It's time to help the kelp.
Welcome to the Kelp Lab!
Golden kelp forests are vital habitat for a rich array of marine species
on the Great Southern Reef including abalone and rock lobster.
Making (kelp) Babies!
Our vision is to introduce and facilitate Golden Kelp farming to Australia,
to do this we need two things: The BABIES (sporophytes), and the HABITAT (sea water).
They said it couldn’t be done. . .
After many years of research and persistence in our purpose-built, temperature-controlled Kelp Lab in Tilba Tilba, we have finally unlocked the secrets of the breeding cycle of Ecklonia.
From Sorus* to Sea!
After continued success growing in the lab and outplanting kelp in ocean trials, we are now consistently able to grow seed stock (Sporophytes). This is an important step towards regeneration and restoration of our declining kelp forests on the far south coast of NSW and we are proud to be pioneering the first ever kelp farming aquaculture in Australia.
If you want to hear more about our pioneering breeding and research program, a global first for Golden Kelp (Ecklonia radiata) - you can sign up and be the first to know about our progress towards establishing Kelp Farms in Australia and get involved in seaweed regeneration for the future!
Good for you. Good for the planet.